Easily calculate how much you can save by choosing BioFeed as your fish feed supplement.
BioFeed AS
Otto Nielsens Veg 4
7052 Trondheim
Otto Nielsens Veg 4
7052 Trondheim
Type of fish
- Extra cost for Biofeed is net NOK 2.00 pr. kg. in addition to standard feeding price.
Amount saved from using BioFeed (1 month)
{{ totalSavedByUsingBiofeedForOneMonth | round(0) | delimit }},-
Total amount saved from using BioFeed over a selected period, with one delousing per month
{{ totalSavedByUsingBiofeedDuringPeriod | round(0) | delimit }},-
Total price for delousing in a selected period
{{ totalCostForDelousingDuringPeriod | round(0) | delimit }} kr